I am sorry if this question has been asked before, but I could not find it anywhere. How do you put audio and video into one file?Each program I used has extracted them into separted files.
AVI Instructions 1. Open up VirtualDub and open up the video component 2. Audio --> WAV Audio. Select the audio component 3. I presume the audio component is not compressed (i.e., it is a massive wav file, if not ignor #3). Audio Full --> Processing Mode, Audio --> Compression --> Pick a codec (i.e., mp3) 4. If the video isnt' already compressed, Video --> Compression --> Select Codec (i.e., XVid/DivX) --> Set a bitrate (using any of the widely available bitrate calculators). Goto step 6 5. If the video is already compressed, Video --> Direct Stream copy 6. File --> Save as AVI --> Give it a name MPG Instructions 1. Fire up TMPGEnc 2. Fille --> MPEG Tools 3. Simple Multiplex 4. Select the video and audio components (order doesnt matter) 5. Run!