i got an audio book and when i play it it plays fine... but if i pause it it starts all over if i try and fastforward it it starts over if i do any thing it starts over. i originally had this problem in my psp but then i tried to make it work in my computer and it still wouldnt let me fast forward... the properties on it r size 397MB length 18:33'30" sampling frequency 32.000kHz codec MP3 0 kbps idk if this will help any but will i need to convert it, if so can some just help thanks
converting might help, what you can do is just remake the mp3. Download Audacity (free, small) it allows you to modify the audio, which you don't need to do unless you wish to, and export it in MP3/WAV. I dunno know if it supports importing such big audio files, but i think it should be fine.
thanks a lot i just downloaded it and its importing it now.. with 13 minutes remaining lol thanks tho
ok i converted it to a .wav file but that was uncompresed so it was 3.99GB iwas almost crapped my pantsjk but wat file should i convert it to cause 4GB is just too big btw sorry bout the double post
like I said, just re-export it as an mp3, wavs are much bigger. In order to export the mp3 you need lame_enc.dll, which could be found here for free Import the project , go to File-> Export as Mp3->Browse for the dll you just downloaded. The output size should be the same as the original.