I just got internet a couple of days ago, and after installing all the updates and SP2, all my music, new downloaded and old sounds like either: 1. the artist is singing in the bathroom or 2. the music and chorus verses sound fine, but when the artist starts to sing you can hardly hear it. Somebody in a chat room said it is improper codecs, but I went to the microsoft site and downloaded "Codec Installation Package for Windows Media Player 7.1 or later" but it didn't solve the problem. Please help!
Im not sure if its a problem with your codecs or your audio settings (possibly an equalizer setting or special sound altering/enhancing feature of your media player software). I would suggest playing the music file with a windows alternative like Win Amp 5 (its freeware) or Jet Audio 6 Basic. if you need to install some codecs though go here and check out the kazaa codec packs: http://home.hccnet.nl/h.edskes/mirror.htm Win Amp's home page: http://winamp.com/ Jet audio page: http://www.jetaudio.com/products/jetaudio/
I tried playing new and old songs in windows media player as well as musicmatch jukebox, and had the same result for both, which means it isn't a setting with the players. I really don't know what to do after I d/l the new codec, and it won't play correctly in multiple players.
I'm sorry about I couldn't help you but there is still one more thing that could be wrong. Sometimes you can get to a point where there are so many codecs on your computer that do the same job that they over lap each other. This con cause problems too. The only way to fix that type of a problem is to uninstall all of your codecs then re-install (some of them) using one of the popular codec installers around (The Kazaa ones are good and come in different sizes, Also there many popular ones on this site). But with that said, uninstalling your codecs should be a last resort. You may want to try using a different sound card first, if your sure that the problem is not because of a software setting. Also make sure that everything is pluged up correctly (and plugs are pushed all the way in to the holes!). good luck, Ced
you could try downloading GSpot, it will tell you if you have the right codecs for your music. just click on file, then new, and select the song, and then gspot will tell you if you need to get another codec
I just talked to my brother-in-law who is a veteran at this, and he said that it is not a codec issue at all, but there is just a setting somewhere that needs to be changed. For the life of me I can't figure out what it is! Argh! I also tried to update the driver, allowing it to search online, but that didn't work either.
It could be your speaker settings in Win XP. If you set 4 speakers and only have 2, you won't hear the sound that is routed to the other 2 speakers. Go to Control Panel, Sound/Audio Setting. Click 'Change Speaker Settings'. You should also check your speaker hookups for loose jacks, etc. Make sure you install the latest Win Player, ver 10. BTW, unrelated but do you have Creative Labs 5.1 Live! or Audigy as your sound card? It makes for a far better listening experience.