I am looking for some software that will allow you to compose music. Something like you tell it what notes to play on what instrument and you get the desired sound out of it. I'd like to try to compose like a symphony if possible. Can anyone help me out with some information about this?
I know there's a bunch of different appz out there that compose music, but the only one I'm familiar with is called Digital Performer, and its unfortunately only for Macintosh. You can't just tell it what notes to play though, it needs to be connected to a midi keyboard.
ahh...well thanks anyway. does anyone else know of anything for windows, or if anyone knows somewhere i might be able to get information on this?
Allot of my friends are using FruityLoops software to create beats and melodies. Link to FruityLoops Home page: http://www.e-officedirect.com/FLStudio/English/frames.html Ced