I'm pretty sure there are alot of programs that convert music files from one to another. Which program do you suggest if I want to convert a .wma to .mp3? Also are there other programs like sonicstage which converts files into an atracplus? Thanx for your time
I have used Advanced WMA Workshop a few times and it works great. You can download the demo here: http://www.litexmedia.com/wma_workshop/. The demo works fine but only allow you to convert so many at a time. If you like it, go to serials.com and get a free key. hope this helps.
I use this free music convertor called dbpower amp. Its really good and you can download all the encoding codecs you need from the web site as plug-ins for the main program (for free also!). They also have a cd-ripper that isn't half bad. Home page is http://www.dbpoweramp.com/
I've got to say I'm very partial to Easy CD-DA Extractor. It will convert any format to any other format and lets you control lots of other options like bitrate, etc.