I am trying to burn some mp3 files onto CD (as an audio cd, not data) using Nero. It goes through the whole process of burning as normal, but when I play it in any form of CD player, it won't read the disc. I've tried two different types of normally failsafe discs, so it isn't those. My PC drives don't even read the discs after they've been 'burnt'. Anyone got any suggestions?
For a cd-r to play in a standard hi-fi the disc has to be finalised when burned.(you dont state if you have been doing this or not)
I do the same method as i do for every cd. Nothing has changed. All others work. Anyway, my computer won't even read the disc, let alone standard players.
so in this case, it might be the media, get some good Ritck/ridata CDRs there the best.. if thats not it,,, i have experienced similar problems... and to fix that after you try new media, uninstall all drivers(make sure you have a back-up) or uninstall the porgz, then reinstall them "The best of the Best, and enjoy like the rest" VatoZ