Audio Interface

Discussion in 'Audio' started by apari84, May 25, 2007.

  1. apari84

    apari84 Member

    May 25, 2007
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    Yea lets just get the fact that im a compleate idiot in this category out of the way :)

    My queston is if i have a Audio Interface / mixer ( For example). And when i pluq it to my pc will i get all the channels on a indevidual track (in for example Sonor, ProTools?)

    So with that can i record many idevidual tracks at the same time?

    Plz, tell mee!! Help a n00b out! :)
  2. djscoop

    djscoop Active member

    Feb 6, 2003
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    it looks like the USB audio interface for that yamaha mixer is 2 channels in/out. so you can have say 4 or 5 channels coming into your mixer, but when capturing to you computer its only going to be the 2 channel stereo mix of all those channels.

    oh by the way, you cannot use this mixer to use Pro Tools. Digidesign (company that makes pro tools) uses its own proprietary hardware (mbox, 002, 003). I've been using and teaching Pro Tools for nearly 8 years, and its simply the cream of the crop. for under $500 US you can get an mbox and Pro Tools 7. An incredible deal for having Pro Tools LE and what its capable of. my recomendation it to invest in pro won't regret it.
  3. apari84

    apari84 Member

    May 25, 2007
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    Hey thanks for the reply!
    How the hell did u see that that thing has a 2 channe usb in/out? :O

    Yeasterday we ordered a ( Can you say howmany channels that thing will give us from usb channel? I realy cant find the info :,/

    I quess the pro tools would be the best software,but... we are in a hurry to setup our """""studio""""", no time to think smart! ;) NOW NOW !!

    Btw. If that Yamaha mixer wont support pro tools, what sofware will it support?

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