Ok... I am using Nero 7 to burn/make DVD's. I am burning .ISO's of movies that I have made with Roxio's and Adobe Premiere's Video Software. I am also creating DVD movies with Nero Vision 4. No Matter what source I used to make the movie, when I burn it with Nero software, Video is present with no quality loss. Audio is present and properly synced, however some audio tracks get messed up. The sound is hard to describe, but sounds as if it is one of 2 things. Either when burning, it takes only one channel (either left or right) and makes that play out of both speakers while discarding the other channel. Or, it is simply chopping off certain frequencies. It sounds more like the first option though. I have not changed my DVD media (Memorex). When burning .ISO's, I didn't have this problem when burning the SAME file with Roxio, so it isn't an issue with the file. I am Using WinXP with Nero 7 Premium and a LITE-ON DVDRW (LDW-851S) Any Clues? Drew
To test if the problem is with Nero, save the output to a hard disk folder. Use the PC media player to verify that the output is good. If the output is ok, burn the folder to DVD with ImgBurn at 4x. http://www.imgburn.com/ Run ImgBurn Mode > 'Build' Output > 'Device' File > 'Browse for Folder', highlight on the 'VIDEO_TS' folder, > 'OK' Click the green write button. Then you can figure out where the problem is coming from.
Well, I've been trouble shooting this problem for a while now, and the problem still persists. I have DEFINITELY concluded that the problem is with Nero. The latest project I worked on that had this problem proved this to me. I made the DVD in Vision 4 and saved the output to a hard disk folder. I played the DVD folder with VLC and the audio problem was there. So this proves that it isn't a problem with the type of DVD's I am burning to or a Burner issue.....it is software related. The .avi file that I imported into Vision 4 didn't have the problem, the problem didn't show itself until after using Vision 4. I have also been able to confirm that the problem is a lost channel. It is simply disregarding the Right audio channel. I puts the Left audio onto both Left and Right audio. This wouldn't be a problem if my audio was mastered in mono, however, with stereo audio used, I loose audio in parts of songs where only specific parts are on the Right-Side track..... I am completely lost here, PLEASE Help!!!
Also.... In addition to my last post, When previewing the project in Vision, the audio is fine with no issues. I have tried both the "Automatic" and "Dolby Digital (AC-3) 2.0" audio format options. Both end up with the same results. My audio source for the .avi file was a normal stereo mp3 file. I made the video in Adobe Premier Pro 1.0. This is a problem that started when I first began using Nero. This wasn't an issue with Roxio software. any help is greatly appreciated. Drew
Does it make any difference if, in Nero Vision, click 'More'/'DVD Video'/'Audio' you select AC3-2 AC3-5 or Automatic?
Is it possible that the uncompressed .avi that I create in Premier Pro is exporting the movie in a slightly uncompatable format for vision? The Export Movie Settings for my audio are : Uncompressed 48000Hz 16-bit Stereo 1 Frame (Interleave) When I check the properties of the .avi, it's audio is said to have a bit rate of 1536kbps, sample size of 16 bit and audio format of PCM. Is there anything in this that would be uncompatable with vision?
Short of reinstalling Nero I don't know how to verify that it's ok. If you want, you could load the AVI into VirtualDub. Then click 'File' and 'Save WAV' - give it a name. Load the WAV into 'Audacity' ,check the operation and resave it as a new WAV. Re-run VirtualDub and load the AVI. Click 'Video' 'Direct Stream Copy' Click 'Audio' 'WAV Audio' - and load the new WAV. Then select 'Audio' 'Direct Stream Copy' Click 'File' 'Save as AVI'. [Setting Audo and Video 'Direct Stream Copy' means there is no recompressing of the files]. Then Try it in Nero again. VirtualDub most recent stable http://virtualdub.sourceforge.net/ Audacity http://superb-east.dl.sourceforge.net/sourceforge/audacity/audacity-win-1.2.6.exe