hey folks. newbie here with a quick question. ive been trying to shrink an MPEG file of 276MB ( a short film shot on DV) to AVI. i have no problem with shrinking the video file, but no matter what audio settings i use, I never get any audio at all. ever! is this fixable? or am i doing something completely wrong? many thanx
You most likely have audio present, but don't have the necessary codec to play/hear it. Download and install FFDSHOW and then try it. http://www.afterdawn.com/software/video_software/codecs_and_filters/ffdshow.cfm
thanx. i downloaded and installed it but it still doesnt work. is there anything more i should do? like place the FFDSHOW file in a spesific folder or something. after i installed it it opened the audio decoder configuration window. should i change something there?
Once the app is installed, it's ready to go, no additional configuration is really necessary unless you really know what your doing. Now that you have ffdshow installed, try and re-shrink the original file again and see if it makes a difference (I'm assuming that the original file's audio is fine?). The problem could also be with your media player, you could try using a free player to play the file with and see if audio is present, try using Media Player Classic, you can get it here http://www.afterdawn.com/software/video_software/video_players/media_player_classic.cfm
thanx for all the help John, but it still doesnt work. i've tried it on real player, vlc and classic.nada. im getting really desperate here. let me ask you. what ar ethe audio settings i should use on dvd2avi ? i mean on the 'audio output' section . and what about the 48-> 44.1 KHz ? what's that about?