i want to connect my mp3 player to my hi-fi stero but i do not know whast kind of cable i need. do these usually cost quite alot or not? i've seen one before but don't know what it's called.
It's usually called something like a "3.5 mm stereo jack to 2 x phono lead". The plug that goes in your mp3 player is sometimes also called a 1/8 inch (one-eighth inch) stereo jack plug, and the two plugs that go in the AUX or tape playback sockets on your stereo are sometimes called "RCA plugs". Should cost around $5 US unless you get a fancy gold plated one, which you don't really need. More pictures... http://images.google.co.uk/images?s...e=off&q=3.5+mm+to+2+x+RCA+&btnG=Search+Images Links here... http://www.google.co.uk/search?sour... to stereo&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&um=1&sa=N&tab=iw