Looking for freeware audio jointer (not for MP3 but WAM/WAV file) Want to make few music cds but don't want any gaps and/or the usual few second silence between each song. I found some but they all limit to few songs unless I register/purchase, so need something without limitations. Thank you,
Use Advanced MP3 Converter http://www.mp3do.com It's shareware but not have limitation on cue output rember uncheck inside gap 2 seconds bewteen tracks(default is select) on cue options.and select wave format as cue output, then a single wave track will output,just use other burner but this wave track,also use DAO burn mode should OK.
For removing gaps/silence you can use FlexiMusic Audio Editor and I used this Software for editing an audio. In this software you can select the portion exactly by using some accurate selection methods which you want to delete or removing gaps.