I made my first attempt at an original DVD production. It was from a 100 minute MPEG2 file which plays OK. As a DVD the picture and sound quality is as good as the original file, but the sound gets more and more out of sync as the movie progresses, becoming as much as 5 seconds behind the picture near the end. I am using ULead DVD Workshop 2. This problem does NOT exist when previewing the finished DVD in Workshop 2.
What brand of media are you using? Check out this valuable link while your at it. http://www.digitalfaq.com/media/dvdmedia.htm
I am using RiData 4x DVD+R blank media, hopefully not the problem because I have a lot of blank disks. Is it possible that inferior media can cause video/sound synchronization problems even though the disk plays without any noticeable picture or sound glitches other than the audio offset? In the first few minutes of play, the sound is delayed a fraction of a second and progressively becomes several seconds off by the end of the movie. I will try burning the same project to a Memorex DVD+RW to see if there's a difference.
I've had that happen to me using cheap media, but not with the Ridata G04 -R Make certain they are authentic Ritek, you can search the forum for an info tool that'll give you the medias' manufacturer info. I use Nero's info tool myself. It can be that your players' tolerance for burned media is low. Check the players and your burners likes and dislikes on this site. Whats the make & model of your burner and player? http://www.dvdrhelp.com
I think my problem is strictly associated with the software I use to create the DVD, the capture, or some associated settings. (Maybe operator trouble.) I can eliminate the culprit being the player, since the problem arose when playing with several stand alone players as well as CyberLink Power DVD on my computer. I've also eliminated recording media by writing the VIDEO_TS and AUDIO_TS files on the hard drive and playing in Power DVD from there. The same phenomena of sound lag occurred.