hi i have just got into this burning thing to watch on my dvd player and fortunately the film worked but i have a question.(Am using convertxtoDVD) The conversion process went fine but i noticed a few orange bars in log which red audio missing for about 0.24 ms. I thought since it was so small it was hardly noticeable so i ignored it and burned but while watching the film it seems to be noticeable and audio is late by as much as 2-3 seconds.Is this common or it is to do with the quality of my avi file or can it be rectified?
Hello, Does the orginal file play fine? What version are you using? the latest version is 2.0.12 if you didn't try with this version try once more watch on your computer before burning (good habit to have if you don't want to waste any disks). I am really curious to hear if the problem disappers or not. Thanks.
hi well the orignal file played fine the audo wasnt out of sync however am not using the latest version at the moment i will try and do it with the latest version though however my friend tells me after sending him log it is probably my avi thats the problem ..so am not sure but i couldnt notice audio out of sync while playing file
Hi there, Most of the time (If not all the time), the .AVI will play fine, but you get Out of Sync issues [bold]when you convert it to DVD [/bold]. As CaGal said, upgrade to v2.0.12 since VSO fixed some of those issues in earlier versions !