I have a bunch of tv shows in .mpg I'm trying to re-encode with divx so I can put a 2-3 eps on a cd. And of course the sound is out of sync. I've found that after extracting the wav from the video the audio track is always exactly 9 seconds shorter than the video on all the mpg's I have. After doing a bunch of reading the only way I've found to fix is to increase the fps using terabits so that it all evens out. Now comes the problem... I tweak the fps so that it is in sync but this fixes the first 5-10min and the last 5-10min. Everything in between is out - in some parts almost by a second. This is aggrevating me to no end! Why does it work properly at beginning & end but screwed up in the middle? How can I fix this? thanks
There is a little utility you can get - sorry I can't remember the name but this might jog someones mem. It's called something like AVI preview and it lets you take a range of frames and run them in a loop, then you just add or subtract time till it matches and bing it is sorted. It works a treat but I can't find it.
Sorry I am being an idiot, it's the Terrabits thing you have already tried. Did you sync the sound towards the end of the film, that usually worked when I did it.