Hi, I have a problem with an mpeg1 file. All my files that I download I burn them to data and then play them in my divx player phillips 5140,that I bought 3 months ago.It plays everything except mpg4 files. And I really needsome help here before I freak out . this really is mindbugging.I tried converting it to avi: no audio,just video! I encoded the audio to ac3: didn't work...no audio,just video. I burned it as vcd in nero: same problem. I have another file that has exactly the same audio codec and when I burned that one and played it on my divx player it played fine. Both are mpeg-1: Ok,here's the file that won't play on my divx player: And here's the file that plays fine on the divxplayer with the same audio codec:
The mpeg-1 seems to have the correct audio stream, since in has 'MPEG Layer II' (MP2) 224 kbps. The video, too, is compliant to a NTSC VCD (352x240; 29,97 fps). The problem you could have is that you burned it on a CD-R as a 'data CD' (like some people can do for DivX files', and mpeg-1 must be burned as 'Video-CD' [VCD], instead. They aren't AVI files, they are MPG. Therefore I suggest you to: 1) use VCDGear. 2) in the 'video-cd' screen of VCDgear choose 'mpeg --> cue/bin' [cd image], [add track] and , load the mpeg-1, check 'VCD' , press [Save] and select the destination dir/the image name and press [start]. 3) Burn ust for safety, that image on a CD-RW. Try to play it.