I've seen lots of problem reports concerning 1.1 and video playback on 60GB iPods -- this is different. The day after installing 1.1 on my 30GB iPod, when I first woke it up, it acted entirely normal aside from refusing to produce any sound. It *acted* like it was playing the songs, but there was no output. Yes, I checked the volume and phones. I soft-reset it and it started working fine. I wrote this off as a glitch, but this morning the same thing happened, and again I had to reset it to get it to play anything. I can't reproduce the problem by putting it to sleep myself. If it continues to happen, I'll revert to 1.0 and see what happens. A possibly unrelated issue: immediately after soft-resetting the iPod the first time, the screen displayed a purple/blue/green/black oil slick at the bottom and right of the screen, reminiscent of a damaged LCD. However, it disappeared after about 15 minutes. This morning, it was back (before I reset it), and it took about 30 minutes to vanish. It might be temperature related -- both times I turned it on in the car after it had been in the house -- but it's not *that* cold outside right now. I really doubt that 1.1 affected my screen, but I wonder if both symptoms are indicitive of a sick iPod and it's only coincidence that they showed up right after 1.1 was installed.
Have you tried restoring your iPod. Cannot say what is exactly wrong with it, but when glitches occur, I have found (with all the iPos I own) That restoring it is the best remedy..
The screen problem happened for a third time today. It's only a few weeks old, so I'm returning it to Apple for service.
Regarding the screen - http://www.ilounge.com/index.php/fa...lored-pattern-on-my-ipod-screen-is-it-faulty/ And regarding the Audio problem, I recommend downgrading your firmware..
Lastnight I was adding some songs to my girlfriends 30gb video iPod. When I was done, I ejected her iPod from my computer, and I wanted to put some of the same songs onto my iPod, the same one as hers, so I plugged it in. After I plugged it in, I noticed that itunes was recognizing my ipod as hers, with all the same exact songs on mine as was on hers, even though I have a differant playlist. So I though this was weird, but a glitch in the computer so I reset my computer, when it came back up, and after starting itunes again, it was still saying the samething. I then decided to disconnect my ipod from the computer, and checked out what songs were on there, and everything of mine was completely wiped out, and replaced with all her music. Now when I go to play anything, it just skips through the songs, doesn't play them at all. Is there any way I can fix this, a master reset that will just wipe everything clean and I can start fresh? It started doing this a few days after I did the new softwarre install for the iPod.
Yes. Connect your iPod to your PC, open your Apple updater & click 'restore'. This will restore your iPod to "factory state"
Update: I went ahead and started the warranty service return process. Since I was planning on returning it, I didn't bother trying to restore it. In the interim, the audio problem has disappeared completely, and the severity of the screen rainbow has diminished considerably. Since the screen problem was most evident at the bottom, I'm guessing that pressing "menu" for 5 seconds to reset the iPod puts some stain on the screen that aggrevates this condition, the button being so close to the screen edge. I also discovered that, when the screen problem was very clearly visible to me, my wife could see nothing wrong. ?!?! Different eyes may be more inclined to see the rainbow effect? So for now I'm not servicing the iPod and I'm sticking with 1.1.