Hello, I'm a newbie to all of this. I have a problem with the audio on DVD playback using pre-recorded commercial discs. I'm using Power DVD XP (version 4.00.2417) on Windows XP Home, my DVD is an NEC ND-3550A and my sound card is an M-Audio Mobile Pre USB. The audio has scratchy noises that sound almost like dragging a needle across a record (for those of you who remember what that even is!...lol). Each time it will last for only a second or so. On some DVD's the noise happens every few minutes, on others it's almost constant. The picture seems fine (tracks fine), although I think the quality could be better. Is there anything I can do to remedy this? I would appreciate any help! Regards....
Try playing the disc with another program to eliminate the software as the culprit. Try WMP or similar.