I am having trouble burning to a DVD-R - I am getting very bad sound distortion when I burn the DVD - I am using Nero 6, dell pc with a Plextor 708A DVD/RW, Maxell 4.7 DVD-R and DVD Decryptor. I originally thought it was the compression - I tried a smaller movie without the "fit to target" option and still have the same problem. I'm very new to this and have no idea of what the problem could be. Please Help!
Yes - the movie appears to play fine from the pc - I only have trouble after I burn and play from the DVD - I've also placed other (purchased movies) DVDs to ensure that it was not a player problem - this only happens with DVDs that I burn.
hulagirl0, The perferred method here is to use DVDShrink to compress and then Nero can be set up to automatically burn the DVD w/in Shrink
I am presuming the problem is with burned movies and not Hollywood DVD's, ok? Otherwise you would return the movie from where you purchased it, right? So lets move on. Using Nero to burn is fine, I use Nero 6.3 with no problems. Burn with quality disk. Preferably Ritek G04 or Verbatum. Although a lite-on burner will burn and playback the cheapest to the highest quality of disk. Try upgrading the firmware of the burner, this couldn't hurt.
Your correct - it's not the Hollywood DVD that is the problem - I have also updated the firmware - I will try different DVDs - although I have tried both Maxell and Memorex they were different one was DVD-R and the other DVD+RW - I did notice I had more trouble with the Maxell DVD-R
Check this URL. It gives you an idea of the prefered media for your burner. http://www.videohelp.com/dvdwriters...&buffer=Any&list=0&orderby=Name&Search=Search Also, you can use the Liteon smartburn utility to ID the manufacturer and burn speed of Blank DVD media. Its available at http://www.liteonit.com/ODD/English/e_downloads/e_utility.asp
Thank you all for your help - it appears that the problem was two-fold - even though the hardware mfr recommended the Maxell DVD-R the writer would not write correctly to them - the Memorex worked great once I downloaded DVD Shrink. So now I'm up and working just fine - Thank you all again!