i have both the "Lenogo DVD to ipod" and "imToo dvd to ipod" converters and i can't get the audio to sync properly. i unchecked the detect 24hz option and about 25-30 minutes into the movie it becomes horrible and i end up dumping the movie (another 1 1/2 hrs. wasted). does anyone know a fix to this?
Alright killa, I had the same problem only I was using the iTunes converter, some one on here told me to get videora and also the Dvd Deycrepter anyways get the Dvd Deycrter and then get the videora. And theres a website I can help you out with ,I get a 100% completeion every time no problems.
Try changing the framerate to 24 fps instead of 29/30 that it is probably set for currently. That is generally seems to fix the problem. If you still have issues the only option is to try a different converter, which sucks being you payed for imToo, but this is why you need to demo things first But changing the framerate should remedy the problem, good luck!
i figured out one way to fix it... by ripping by each chapter or by splitting the output into pieces then pasting them back together with quicktime... you end up with one little blip in the sound file