Audiotracks customizing

Discussion in 'Audio' started by Baddy, Apr 29, 2006.

  1. Baddy

    Baddy Member

    Sep 17, 2005
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    Is there any program with which I could customise audio tracks for example cut out pieces from it??

    Thanks for advance
  2. Digidave

    Digidave Regular member

    Jul 11, 2004
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    Nero Wave Editor, if you already have the Nero Suite. Audacity is free & will do about the same as Nero. You can also clean up the files with those. Plus they have other filters to do other things. MP3Directcut is good for simple cutting & pasting.
  3. llongtheD

    llongtheD Guest

    I have nero 7, and using the wave editor, I would like to make a small cut or sample from a song. I am trying to cut out a small section to use as a sound effect, for example. I am trying to cut the intro, from the song to be exact.
    Maybe I'm having a brain fart, or this program is unable to do this, I don't know. I am getting a little frustrated, I have read the online manual, and keep coming up with the same result. No result. Do you have any tips, or am I using the wrong program to try and accomplish this.
    Thank you.
  4. Digidave

    Digidave Regular member

    Jul 11, 2004
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    You have to highlight the part you want to save. You do this by, clicking on the wave track where you want to begin & then dragging your mouse to the point where you want to stop. You can zoom in to make it a little easier & more precise. Then go up & click on "Edit" then "Copy to File". Then you get a pop-up window, where you can navigate to where you want to save the file & click "Save".
  5. llongtheD

    llongtheD Guest

    Thanks alot, I will try that. I was dragging my mouse and highlighting the part I wanted, but then I was clicking on the copy button in the toolbar. I guess that was my misunderstanding.
  6. llongtheD

    llongtheD Guest

    I guess I'm still doing something wrong. I save the file, but its not just the short piece I've cut. I either get a big file folder with a bunch of little snippets of the tune, or the whole song.
    Do I have something configured wrong?
  7. llongtheD

    llongtheD Guest

    I've got it figured out, thanks a bunch for your help.
  8. Baddy

    Baddy Member

    Sep 17, 2005
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    I found pretty simple and good program for editing music its called audacity. Try to google it I think you'll find it.

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