I have a question for someone out there who surely has more knowledge of this program and running it on the xbox. I am extremely new to this and have recently been trying to get my hdd in my box working. Everything had been wiped from it, but I still had my dashboard. Someone told me the simple fix was to download the aid 3.0, turn it into an ISO burn it to a DVD and install it to the xbox. Now with alot of researching and trial and error I finally downloaded the program, followed the manual to the best I could and turned it into an ISO. I then used dvd decryptor to burn it to dvd and am now trying to install it to the xbox. I am not sure that I unpackaged it all correctly or that I added all the needed files to my ISO because when I try to install the aid 3.0 to the HDD as instructed to in the manual I keep getting a prompt stating [Batch process failed.] [The last item was:.] [Actioneleted]. I also noticed that my first ISO attempt didn't load any skins, so I went back and noticed I had not loaded many add ons. After doing so in the order instructed I now have skins, but no emules play anything. Like I stated before I am new to this, so if anyone has any ideas as to what I am doing wrong or missing I would appreciate it. Thanks....
Did you follow the tut from the aid 3 website? It is clear cut. Just follow the instructions, and you'll be good to go.
I recieved a manual in the download from the auto installer deluxe site. I also cross refrenced it with there manual section on the site and both appear to match up. I did notice however that it stated in the manual to extract the archive after downloading you should right click on the xbhqaid3.rar file. Now I am brand new to the winrar program, so I may have messed up right here. Upon completing the download I opened the aid 3.0 pack and the winrar took over automaticly. I chose the program and gave it a location. After it unpacked it all to the folder I looked for the file name it gave but didn't see it, though I did see a list of files named aid30 and 4 other aid filenames without package icons. I selected all the packaged icons and extracted them all to the same folder and it appreared most of the files extracted into this folder were the same as in the manual, though a few were different ie: the aid.v3.1 manual and the softmod.installer.deluxe.v4.manual.pdf. Many of these differences may be unimportant, though I don't know, but the disc icon listed as auto installer deluxe v3.0 iso wasn't in my folder either. Like I said I am new to all of this, so I am not sure about alot of what is going on. I forgot to unpack the addons on the first attempt to make the iso. I didn't mess with the update package I downloaded either as I wasn't sure if I needed it or how to go about adding it to the iso. I have all the emulators showing in the emulator section on the xbox, however upon selecting any of them, it dosen't let me play anything. It will load a screen with the perspective emulator title and a list of selections, but I cannot get anything to play as it did before everything was wiped. I didn't see anything in the emule file from the download except for a bunch of notepads. I have explained so much in this reply to try and hopefully help you see where I may have gone wrong in the conversion to an iso or install onto the xbox. I have so far taken it from having everything deleted and only having an evox dash to having what appears to be most everything loaded back on except my lost games. I now just hope to be able to reload the emules as my kids and I love some of the older games. By the way I can load Avalaunch now, so would it be easier to use a flash program to load things to the xbox rather than remaking another iso. Thanks for the help and bless you for dealing with my ignorant questions.