AutoGordianKnot - DivX -No Audio

Discussion in 'DivX / XviD' started by MusicToad, Sep 12, 2004.

  1. MusicToad

    MusicToad Member

    Sep 12, 2004
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    I have just created an AVI using AutoGordianKnot but when playing the AVI in windows media player or any other player, I see picture but hear no sound, Windows Media Player tries to connect to the internet for a decompressor and tells me that no appropriate decompressor could be found. I am not sure why i am having this problem.

    I have created an AVI before but on a previuosly installed windows xp pro and it worked fine.

    My guess is codecs, but how do i know whats the problem.... I left mine as Auto for the option in AutoGK for audio.... I do not remember what I did last time.

    Please help anybody
  2. imrllybad

    imrllybad Member

    Sep 1, 2004
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    What kind of audio did it GordianKnot encode or interleave? File properties might tell you this info, but if not you can use GSpot to get detailed info. I'm guessing you either may have interleaved DTS or AC3. If DTS I don't have a solution yet. If AC3, you can download the AC3Filter; it's a free decoder.
  3. MusicToad

    MusicToad Member

    Sep 12, 2004
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    Hi Bad,

    Many thanks, my problem is solved. I installed ac3filter and now my Tuxido.avi works hundreds.

    DO you have any advise or whatever on what I should install as a divx codec and or what other codec packs i should install ot not install?

    I have noticed that I have problems whilst playing backup divx when i have installed windvd on my machine. It seems as if there is a dll file that is situated in the common files directory in program files that divx seems to use upon playing back a film. This file is from the windvd.... i renamed it and now works fine. no more crashes in windows mediaplayer while playing back divx stuff.

    This is just an exmaple of what nobody wants, if u know what i mean.

  4. korruptt

    korruptt Member

    Sep 14, 2004
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    i've been creating divx movies using gordian knot 0.28.5 & gordian knot codec pack 1.3. when i play them on my computer using windows media player 9 the audio of the dialog is very low & the audio of the background noise is normal. this also occurs on my phililps 642 dvd player.

    is there a way to increase the volume?
  5. imrllybad

    imrllybad Member

    Sep 1, 2004
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    The four main codecs that I like to have to play DivX with AC3 or MP3 is DivX (latest if possible), AC3Filter, Fraunhofer MP3 (best mp3 codec around) and VobSub (directshow filter for subtitles). One conflict I had was installing DivX 5.2.1 which supposedly included an MP3 codec. When I went to use VirtualDub and tried to select MP3 128bit compression for audio, I get no encoder installed. So I had to reinstalled Fraunhofer to restore my config. I did have trouble a few times with WinDVD 3.2. I'm using WinDVD 5 now and haven't had any problems since.

    FFDShow codec claims to be better decompresser than DivX codec. I have a pretty fast computer and really don't see any difference. hmm.., I think I just figured out why I have another conflict...

    Korruptt, that's a very good question and I sort of have that problem too. A few of my DivX movies have dialogue come in low while other are normall. I'm not sure what's causing but it would be very interesting to find out. One thing to note though is that if you encode audio to mp3, for example, encoding tends to make sound volume decrease. There is a volume setting which I use to increase to 200%. Not to much more or you'll get "rattles". However, for AC3, you really don't do any encoding. It's taken right off the DVD or VOB and interleaved into the video frames. For now, I just have to turn up my amp for those few movies.
  6. MusicToad

    MusicToad Member

    Sep 12, 2004
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    Hey Korrupt,

    I have advise. When u do a film, instead of letting gordian knot convert the ac3 to mp3 automatically, rather do this.

    Create the DVD2AVI project file and Demux to WAV... option.

    Then use Normalize.exe cool utility and aplify the sound by say '15' or '20' even. Then convert it to a VBR or CBR MP3 using Lame.exe

    I hope this works for you, otherwise i have no other ideas since i have no damn idea how to use the BESWEET parametres and the help is a pain.

    Oh yes, and then you must do your gordian knot thing and then just say MUX audio with VIDEO and add the mp3 file you created



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