Avalaunch FRAG 13 Trying to Make Avalaunch Default Instead of Evox

Discussion in 'Xbox - Hardware boot discussion' started by baptizm, Jun 13, 2004.

  1. baptizm

    baptizm Member

    Jun 9, 2004
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    What's happening, guys? I've searched for this particular problem in the forums, but because Avalaunch is not totally widely accepted yet, I couldn't find much.

    First things first. Here's what I'm running:

    XBox 1.5
    Xecuter 2.3B Lite+ (Solderless)
    Xecuter 4983.67 BIOS
    Maxtor 160 GB HDD
    EvoX Dash (primary)
    Avalaunch (secondary)

    At least, that's what it was before I tried to make Ava my default dashboard. Everything was working fine with EvoX as the primary and Ava as the secondary. I read this tutorial to try to make Ava my primary:


    According to the tutorial, I'm supposed to install Avalaunch to the C: Drive on my XBox. I FTP'ed these files over using FlashFXP. Second step is supposed to be edit the "default.xbe" file in Avalaunch to read "avalaunch.xbe" No problems there. Next, I was supposed to change my "evoxdash.xbe" to "evox.xbe" I looked around--perhaps not enough--and came to the conclusion that my "xboxdash.xbe" was the file I was looking for, the one that was supposed to be "evoxdash.xbe"

    I changed "xboxdash.xbe" to "evox.xbe" and I couldn't boot anymore. I'm getting an error code screen that says something like this:

    Error 13
    Oops! Something is wrong!

    5-9 HDD Error
    10-12 DVD Error
    13 Dashboard could not be launched
    14 Generic dashboard specified error
    16 Dashboard files/setting incorrect
    20 Dashboard was launched, but failed
    21 Generic, unspecified error

    And that's it. What did I do!?!?! How do I fix it? Do I have to completely reinstall everything from the BIOS up? Any help you can provide would be sincerely appreciated.
  2. BoxMods

    BoxMods Regular member

    Jun 10, 2004
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    LOL, you just took your MS Dash and named it evox.xbe! Restore all the dashes back to their normal names and just edit your BIOS into starting up avalauch.xbe first, and maybe stick evoxdash.xbe as second (if one day it can't find avalaunch). You did the tut wrong.

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