heya lads, hope every1 is doing well. Ive been a member of a few forums, and this is the best. Thats why i spend neraly all of my free time on here. Ive seen on other forums that people have avatar lpaces on the left of the page..just wondering if that was a good idea? Cheers Feel free to criticice.
but what do you think would be better? avatars, only haveing one or two pics? or a sig, displaying info and such,, but both at the same time would kinda suck... i still dont know how to get a pic in my sig , so getting one on a avatar would be chaotic to me, good idea though
I like the sigs cause its different to the other forums also when u have avatars i have noticed the size of memory used for the pic is limited whereas in sig its a bit more flexible.
i guess we have all that space on the right, jus wodnering if it was a improvment to the site, or would it just lagg it down?
I dunno but I myself love the site the way it is, I hate avatars as I always end up having the sh*tty ones! Please, no avatars at aD! (just my opinion guys )
Gaffa while your here. Any news on improvign the profile pages? It says BETA, so i was expecting a improvment. Just wondering...
dunno fella, that's up to the Admins, am sure they'll post when they have some news. it's all working pretty good for Beta stuff though
Don't quote me on this, but I believe I have read somewhere that dRD isn't a big fan of avatars.. And if he doesn't like them, well.. that's more or less that ;-)
YES I do remember drd saying something like that...and his statement is posted some where in this board on the matter...
you need to find the picture you want, then right click and click 'copy image location'.. now you can paste what you copied (ctrl+v or otherwise) to where you have to type text in your sig,, =)
I tried it on a pic that i already have and that option does not appear (the copy location). Does it have to be an internet pic?