Hi, I am new to trying to convert .avi to DVD, but I found a guide on this forum here that I found very useful: I followed this guide all the way. After clicking output, I have a folder and within this folder I have "VIDEO_TS" and "AUDIO_TS" folders. Woo! Now if I play the largest file (with Nero showtime) in teh "VIDEO_TS" folder it plays fine & with sound. However the "AUDIO_TS" folder is totally empty - is it supposed to be like this? It seems slightly strange that it's empty... If I burn just the files in the Video TS folder to DVD will it play with sound? If not what do I have to do? I know this is a very very n00b question, I just don't want to waste a DVD. I have never burnt anything to DVD before PS. I searched on the forum, found a lot of very confusing jargen only...
The Audio_ts folder is almost always empty. As a matter of fact, you only need to burn the contents of the video_ts folder to dvd.