can anyone help,im new to this game...just downed 2 avi files,problem is they have different audio bitrates,so when i want to join with virtual dub cant get passed first file entry.what can i do?
As suggestion: use BeSweet, with the same profile selected (e.g. "MP2 for SVCD" or "MP2 for DVD") and the 'downconvert sample rate' selected. Then, add the audio to the AVI with VirtualDubMod (Stream__Stream List __ Add/Delete the audio streams you want to have/remove). Finally. Save (Video__Direct Stream Copy, please).
thanks guys,i,ll give that a go...i only wish when people split a film they dont make it harder to rejoin after ripping....many thanks.
I agree. I often add subtitles to the movies, and I find that 'movie-CD1' and 'movie-CD2' are not parts o the same movie split on at an exact frame (e.g.: range (CD1): 0--->F; range(CD2): F+1--->end; F=frame). In this case I have to add the subtitle to each part separately, ot the subtitle goes out-of-sync with the movie, going from part1 to part2. Once I found that there was a 'lost' part of movie, inside it, 30 seconds long!! (CD1 + CD2 = movie - 30")