Hi guys, I'd like to ask how to compress an AVI file, I have an avi file which is 8GB, and REALLY need to decrease the size without losing too much quality, little help?
Let it be you have a good codec installed, for instance Xvid (free) or DivX (the best; I don't know if Xvid is just a little worse or equivalent to DivX). Open the AVI with VirtualDub. Choose Video___Compression ---> Xvid. Push 'configure'. Select as mode 'Twopass, 1st pass'; set target (e.g. 700 kbps). Save (F7). The resulting file is irrelevant, it only contins the audio. What is needed is the video.pass produced, and stored on your PC. Then re-do everything with the Xvid codec settings, but this time choose 'Twopass, 2nd pass'. You can overwrite the previous AVI made on 1st step. Again F7 This time you'll have an AVI made with the video-pass data which you collected with the 1st pass. The right bitrate valueto use can be calculated using the included bitrate calculator (press [calc] on the 'target quantizer (1-31) /target bitrate (16-8000 kbps) line). The input data is onlt the movie's length and the audio bitrate ou used. The 'without losing too much quality' sentence is completely meaningless. It depens on the speed of the movie's motion and on your necessity. Keep in mind that if you want to keep a rather good quality try to go to about 2 CD-R (1400 MB). Otherwise, you might try to push everything in a 700 MB CD-R, but the quality will be worse. You could also 'play' with the audio bitrate- 128 kbps CBR is 'good', but you might lower it to 96 kbps or ise up to 160 kbps. As said above, is a trade-off between quality and size.
VDM always seems to crash every time I try to convert I've used TMPGE Converter, it seem to work fine, but can anyone tell me how to compress an avi without losing the quality of the video at all?
How much free room do you have? You could choose: Xvid , profile A5 @ L5, single pass, and target quantizer = 1.00. The file will become approx 2 GB in size, but no loss. Otherwise you mught choose twopass and a larger tagret quantizer. As I sais above, it's your choice (or, clicking on the [tergat quantizer] button, choose a bitrate between 16 kbps and 8000 kbps. ? VDM crashes ? Cannot explain why. Maybe a movie problem , or a PC (free memory) one...