Hi I have been trying to capture a file from my DV camcorder, and have used a varietu of software to get the avi flle. If i open the file, it plays for about 20 seconds then freezes the video. However, if i say jump to 5mins, or wherever in the file, the video is there, it just does not play continous. I have tried virtuadub to scan the file, and it wont scan it all the way through. If i try encoding it using TmpEg etc, same problem, the video freeezes Any suggestions?
I get errors trying to open VDub MP3! It says on opening an avi file: 'No video stream found' If i then run the check video for freezes, the programme crashes Do you think this may be codec based?
Lets go back to the start, as the avi file you have is dodgy. What type of camcorder is it? DVD, Tape or HDD? This matters because this will tell us how the original video is captured. You say you used a variety of sofware to get an AVI, well you shouldn't need a variety of software, just the software that came with the camera (back to the format of the original captured video). I guess you want an AVI to edit the video in a NLE (Non Linea Editor). We await your reply. M
Hi The camcorder is a mini DV Samsung. I have captured the file using IEEE1394 Firewire, as there is no USB. As such therefore the camera came with no capturing software. I have captured the file in Windows Movie Maker using the DV-AVI (Pal) file format. I have also tried using WinDv to capture the file. The reason i want the avi file is so that i can burn the DV tapes onto DVD's - i understand that the best way to do this whilst keeping the quality is to get the avi file, encode it using TMpeg etc, and burn a dvd using suitable software - am i going about this the wrong way? Thanks
Already installed that, as initially i could not open my AVI's in Virtudub at all due to the wrong codec. Now i have installed the codec i can open the avi in Virtudub, but scanning creates errors. Every avi file i create always stops after around 15-20 secs for the video. Windows media player gives me some weird message about a portable storage device (even though stored on HD!) and crashes.
Ok, may be on to something here, but need some help!! I just converted a WMV file to avi using software which i could specifiy which cidec i used - i choose the Panasonic one and hey presto, the avi did not crash!! However, the sound was out of sink. So this made me thing. How can i capture a file straight into avi and specify that it uses the panasonic codec? Thanks
Talks about converting DV type 1 to type 2 to import into VirtualDub. http://users.tpg.com.au/mtam/guide_wmm2.htm
Sorry, but no help!! The converter programme crashes about 1-2% through! There must be something wrong with the original AVI files i am capturing. Does anyone know of a programme where you can specify which codec set a file has when capturing, ie so i can use the panasonic set? thanks
Claims you can choose the codec in this link. http://www.afterdawn.com/software/video_software/video_tools/dvio.cfm
Thanks This software captured the avi, and it played for a lot longer, 1minute plus. But it still frooze! I opened it in VitualDub, and ran the error check - it always crashes on the same frame, and says: Failure straming avi: Data error {cyclic redundnacy check} Any idea what this means? Would this have anything to do with my laptop capabilities? I have a two year old laptop, 712mb of ram, plenty of HD, but only a AMD
Try this one. Have you tried going the other way? Send something to the camera and if successful get it back. That way you would know the file was good. http://www.carr-engineering.com/dvio.htm And Virtualdub wants it as Type 2. Can the camera send it in any other container (non AVI)? If the avi is brought into GSpot, can it render the file? http://www.headbands.com/gspot/v26x/GSpot270a.zip
I have not been able to send it back -tried in Windows movie maker as well, it said it did it but nothing came on the tape. I can capture the film via movie maker in WMV etc. All i want to do is capture the file and burn to DVD in a reasonable quality - may be you can suggest a different approach to allow me to do this?
This will convert wmv to dvd. http://dl.afterdawn.com/vsoDivxToDVD_setup_v0.5.2b.exe Import the file(s) (AVI, MPEG, VOB) Output (standard DVD file format) to a folder on the HDD. Set 'Aspect' to 4:3 (if you have a regular tv) Set 'Standard' to NTSC (if you live in North America)
Hi I am back! I still cannot get avi files to work, they freeze after a short period of playback. When i try to render via G-Spot, it says something about not being to get connect to the input pins? I have installed every Codec from every Forum!Any help much appreciated.