avi movies

Discussion in 'DVDR' started by watcher98, Sep 11, 2004.

  1. watcher98

    watcher98 Guest

    i download alot of avi movies but now i want to burn them on a dvd,but before i burn them i want to add some more stuff it to like menus and sound,can someone please tell me which software i can use to to build menus and so on please thanks alot in advance
  2. Navig8r

    Navig8r Regular member

    Aug 27, 2004
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    Welcome Watcher98
    I use DVDLab, you can also try TMPGEnc DVD Author,
    I prefer DVDLab its a little tuffer to use but well worth learning as it seems to work better with non standard DVD files (different frame sizes and such)
    I usually convert all my avi files to DVD files
    using WinAvi then just use DVDLab to add my
    menus, chapters, menu transitions and background music, there are a ton of things you can do with
    here is a guide on using it if you decide to get it (oh yeah there is a 30 day free trail) www.mediachance.com (for DVDLab)
    HERE IS THE GUIDE (beginners guide, alot more
    to the program than this shows, but it will get you started)

    good luck let me know if you have any other questions
  3. watcher98

    watcher98 Guest

    where can i get a copy of winavi it sound handy
  4. watcher98

    watcher98 Guest

    hey Navig8r if u have msn messenger we can chat a lil better about this thanks in advance if answer
  5. Navig8r

    Navig8r Regular member

    Aug 27, 2004
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    I dont have access to MSN messanger here at work but i do have Yahoo IM

    My ID is navig8r4sho

    go ahead and hit me up if you have yahoo, or just go and create one real quick, dont mind at all, glad to help, I know how frustrating this stuff can be, I've been there
  6. watcher98

    watcher98 Guest

    ok i just added u to yahoo maybe we can talk there
  7. Navig8r

    Navig8r Regular member

    Aug 27, 2004
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    thats fine hit me up, and ask away
  8. fasfrank

    fasfrank Active member

    Oct 15, 2003
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    Dvd Lab is what I like to use too. If I just want to add a simple and quick menu from a template though, I'll use NeroVision Express 2 or TMPGEnc DVD Author. Both these programs are drag and drop, DVD Lab requires a bit more work. I like DVD Lab because of the control you can have over the menus and links.

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