avi recomp error

Discussion in 'Windows - Software discussion' started by basquiat, Nov 4, 2006.

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  1. basquiat

    basquiat Regular member

    Feb 27, 2006
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    ok i posted over on the avi recomp forums but they dont seem to be very active there so im gonna cut/paste my problem over here incase someone here can help me out,

    "ok i used to use avi recomp quite often never a problem, about a month ago i did a reformat and havent had time to reinstall till today...well i fire up avi recomp add my video i want to fix and get this error, "System Error. Code: 193. %1 is not a valid win32 application" the error pops up about a second or two after i click start...i didnt mess with any settings andf retried with several different avi's from different sources same thing, so i uninstalled everything rebooted and tried installing the old 1.2.1 version, does the same thing....very frustrating this was a very usefull tool for me, any help would be very appreciated thanx."
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