Avi to bin/cue question.

Discussion in 'Other video questions' started by melissa84, Sep 23, 2005.

  1. melissa84

    melissa84 Guest

    Forgive me if this has been asked or if I sound like an idiot for asking it, I'm still a newbie at this.

    I recently download a 759 mb movie in bin/cue format and burnt it perfectly to cd-r using Nero. Now that got me to wondering if I could make bin/cue files out of my other avi's that are around the same size. could someone offer tips or direct me to the proper tutorial please. I've only found one forum based website with the same question but before I got any answers the thread broke in to name calling. ~sigh~

    I tried turning the movies into mpeg's then bin/cue's with Vcdgear but the mpegs were to large. It’s obviously possible though.

    Thanks much.
  2. celtic_d

    celtic_d Regular member

    Jan 23, 2005
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    A BIN/CUE is just a CD image, so yes it is possible to convert or rather store an avi in a BIN/CUE. No point really though since it is easier just to burn it directly.

    Sounds like you want to convert to an (S)VCD though, in such a case the size of the avi is completely irrelevant. The size of the mpg is determined by the length of the source avi and the bitrate of the new mpg. For VCD it is always roughly 10MB's/min. So if the source is longer than 75.9mins then the mpg will be larger than 759MB's.

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