No need. If you have it allready you can use Nero Vision Epxress to burn a Video CD and import tha AVIs as they are. If you don't have it get the free trial here
I have a problem, everything went ok with nero,except that i nw get the message that the file is to big and to insert a disk with more space, i a using a 700mb cd-r but the nero is telling me that the file im trying to burn is over 800, is there a way of fitting this onto a 700mb cd-r?
The disk i am using is 700mb cd-r, when i try to create a vcd using nero i get a pop up message dislaying,"not enough space on disk please insert a disk with more space" well something like that, the file i have is an avi file displaying a size of 740mb. Sorry if i'm a pain but its became a mission now lol.
If the AVI file is 740mb then it won't fit onto a 700mb CD-R... How big does it say the file is when you right click on it? 740mb?
Re-encoding makes the file smaller. However, it does results in a loss of quality... In your case shouldn't be too much cos it's only 40mb or so... It is your only option at the mo though.
I'm not rly experienced with that. You'd have to wait for a reply here or start another thread. Sorry about that. Try searching for it first
A VCD will only hold about 74 min. of video, the initial size of the AVI is unimportant, it's the length of time that matters.
So is there anyway of getting a avi file to a bin file and burning it onto a cd-r? I have already seen movie files in bin format before so i know it can be don, question is,HOW?