Hello, I'm stuck on this one. I've encoded with tmpgenc some avi,mpeg files in dvd 4:3 pal format, after this I authored them with tmpgenc dvd author en burned them to dvd. If I play them on my pc or on my laptop everything seems fine, but if I play them on my standalone dvd player or psx2 etc.., I lose a part of the picture on the left and right side. Somebody now how I can fix this? If I import for example the dvd back on the pc, the picture is fine no picture lost.
Are you sure this just isn"t your TV sets Overscan Cutting off the Sides of the Picture??? All CRT TV sets Cut off about 15% of the image all arround the Frame to mask the jagged edges that appear in Interlaced Video.... Well It seems that this Is Most likely what you are seeing because if the DVD Looks normal on your PC then it isn"t the File or the Software that is the Problem....