i hope this is the right place for this thread ! im trying to convert a few avi's to dvd's which up until i had no problems , but all of a sudden the mainconcept encoder is not picking up some audio formats eg. lame mp3 , once the dvd is converted the audio is missing on the output file , this doesnt happen with every avi !! i think i have the right codecs installed , ac3 , xvid and so on , anyone got any remedies? cheers
I never play with DVDs encoding, but often I noticed that sometimes AVIs sound cannot be used by TMPGenc. But if you use WinMPG, convert 'AVI to MPG1' (maybe also if you do 'AVI to MPG2') and use its sound, it works. The video will be ugly (for unregisered users, after 10 convrsions), but you'll use only its sound. Try it.