Help I'm new to this. Used nero vision to burn avi to dvd but audio is either behind or ahead of video. What do I do?????????
was the file in sync before you started your burn? you might try using virtuldub to fix the sych problem
If the audio is out a set amount on the encoded file (constant) even though the origonal file plays fine on your pc, try creating a new file to encode: Usually fixes things for me but only for a constant delay and not gradual. Drag your origonal file into the top window of AviMux_Gui, highlight it, select generate data and in the lower window, highlight the audio that appears and any delay in ms will appear to the right. If other than 0 appears, select start and encode that new file; only takes a minute or two.
file was not in sync b4 I tried to burn. I don't understand how to use virtualdub so I can try & fix the problem. Can u give me instructions on how 2 use it?
Not sure on VirtualDub but AviMux_Gui should fix your origonal file and give you a new one to encode whether the origonal is out of sync or not if the sync issue is a constant one. Edit: found this for VirtualDub: Open the AVI Audio>Interleaving Type a value in the Skew control box. Click ok. Audio>Direct Stream Copy. Video>Direct Stream Copy. File>Save as AVI (give it a new name for safety).