That's a loaded question because like av's, encoder's are personal preference. What is best for one user may be a pain in the butt for another. That said, probably the best software encoder is CCE but at $2000.00, is just ridiculous for ordinary use. I have read that CCE Basic is very good and very fast but should be used with Avisynth which is difficult to use. Procoder at $400.00 is excellent as is Procoder Express but both are very slow. TMPGEnc is also good but very slow. MainConcept is the one I'd recommend. Very fast, good out of the box, tweakable and the quality is excellent. There are many other encoders but these are the ones I see mentioned most except for VSODivxtoDVD and WinAvi but I have'nt used them. Check them out and see what you're happiest with.
Hi there, I have never tried CCE Encoder, but it's suppose to be the best. Personally, as long as I can see the movie, I ain't a quality expert or real picky. If you want an easy to use software that gives pretty good results, try [bold]VSO ConvertXtoDVD v2.00[/bold] Everyone has their opinion, here's mine
hi,, can somebody please help me, im a bit of of a new user, i downlaoded a few movies from the net and they are in AVI format, how can i convert the movies to one blank dvd disk and make it work on my home dvd player? and if possible i would like to convert the avi files to dvd format quickly. also i would like to add chapters and menu and titles screens and also subtitles to the movies, if anybody knows then please help me, i would be greatful. also please can you tell me he best program for downloadin music and videos. thank you very much, like i said im a new user and i would really like your help, thanks
Hi shezzy999, As mentioned above, VSO ConvertXtoDVD can do all this for you. Convert, add Chapters, add a menu and burn to DVD that you can watch on your DVD Player. All in one software !