im a newbie! first post! so i have several episodes of a series i watch at like 170mb each. i downloaded a dvd img file of someone who made a dvd with like 16 episodes. when i tried to make a dvd, i was only able to fit 3 170mb videos. how the hell am i supposed to fit 16 one on 4gb dvd? what programs should i use? i tried to use the avi2dvd program shown here but now im just confused.. thanks for the help and i apologize for sounding so "n00b" -dres
in your dvd options you can lower the picture quality. i use nero and it allows me to go to options and set it to extended play and then i can make a dvd with 13-15 episodes (20 25 mins each episode). try to do that kinda thing extendin the dvd by lowerin picture detail