hey whats up guys? ok heres the deal. i am pretty new to all this stuff, so i am hoping someone will be able to help me out. i have downloaded a couple of movies and used dvd flick to transfer the avi to dvd, and then imgburn to put them on disk. i am a big fan of dvd flick, and the first few movies came out great. but the last couple of movies have come out very pixelated, pretty poor quality. i havent done anything differently, using the same blank dvds, and i know i cant bitch about free movies. but i am just curios as to why this is happening? do certain avi types transfer better to dvd? is there something i should be looking for when i download the torrent?
Generally bitrate x running time = size of file. The higher the bitrate means better quality. A movie encoded to 700mb compared to the same movie encoded to 1.4 GB should show a difference in quality, which is reflected in the output DVD quality. The best way to check the operation of DVD Flick is to convert something that turned out good before, to see if it's still good.