Ok i am using TMPGEnc as per one of the guides on this site and i am getting no audio when i output my avi. I have tried E3 audio and video in seperate files and i have tried system video (audio and video) in same file. After 2 pass vbr encoding for 13 hours i get a crappy jittery video, have no idea why, which looks like it has pops and clicks on it compared to the original avi and the .wav that was outputted has no audio, wtf?
Well the Audio problem is probably because the audio in your AVI file is either VBR MP3 or Dolby AC3 which is not supported in Tmpgenc.... To solve the audio Problem you should decompress the audio in your AVI file before you encode it and this will fix the problem if it is caused from the audio being VBR MP3 or AC3.... You can download a tool that will decompress the audio in your AVI files for you here: http://www.megaupload.com/tr/?d=FU50BMK3 As for your Jittering picture it could have been from your AVI file haveing a Different frame rate than the Mpeg file you are encodeing it to... Tmpgenc and most encoders are not very good at converting frame rates so if your AVI file is say 25fps and you are encodeing it to a 29.976fps Mpeg-2 file you will get a Jumpy playback especially in High motion scenes.... Also if your AVI file is 23.976fps you should not encode it directly to 29.976fps , You should encode it to 23.976fps with 3:2 Pulldown ,You do this by setting the "Encode Mode" in the "Video" settings in tmpgenc to "3:2 Pulldown when Playback" and then set the "Frame Rate" to "23.976fps(Internally 29.976fps)" and then it will be encoded properly as most AVI files you download off of the net are 23.976fps..... Cheers
thanks for the reply. After i decompress the audio (i haven't yet) so i have to add it back to the m2v file somehow or once its decompressed i can load it into tmpgenc w/o a problem? Thanks.
The audio is more likely an AC3 (Dolby Surround) audio. With VirtualDubMod (Stream__Stream List) you can recognize it and demux it. Later, you'll have to insert that AC3 stream as 'audio stream' during DVD authoring. Or you can convert AC3 into something else (WAV, MP2) but I don't think it will be necessary. Remember: authoring is the process in which movie (M2V) + audio (MP2, AC3) --> DVD (or .ISO). You can use DVD Lab, ReJig.... the one you prefere among the hundred of programs available. --> TMPGenc is not needed for the audio, since you already have an AC3 audio stream in that AVI.
Thanks for the reply guys, appreciated, i'll look into the video conversion with tmpgenc, i was pretty sure that is what he mean't by decompress the audio, i already knew i could demux with virtualdubmod. After the video is converted to .m2v would i be able to load it into virtualdubmod and than mux everything back together?
The audio decompressor doesn"t seperate the audio from the Video it just makes a New AVI File that Has Uncompressed audio.... You will know if your AVI has AC3 or VBR MP3 audio By simply Loading the AVI Into Virtual-Dub and if the audio is VBR MP3 you will get a Message right away from Virtual-Dub telling you that the audio in VBR MP3..... I think it is Most Likely VBR MP3 because it is More Common than Dolby AC3, and if it is Dolby AC3 then tmpgenc can easilly read the audio Simply By installing the "AC3 ACM Decompressor" then Tmpgenc will read the Dolby AC3 audio.... Cheers
It is not stange: some DVD player read DivX AVIs and they need to have 48 kHz audio, better if AC3. Simply click DEMUX after doing, in VirtualDubMod, Streams__Stream List, and use that AC3 atream when you author a DVD (DVD = Video + Audio. Video = M2V. Audio = AC3 or MP2). Careful: if you do Streams__Stream List___Save WAV and you don't have an AC3 decompressor on your PC, you don't extract a WAV file, but a fake WAV which is an AC3 stream.
it must be the fact that i do not have an AC3 decompressor because with this specific video file i have tried to demux the audio with virtualdubmod previously and the wav file that was outputted was blank, so i got a decompressor from free-codecs.com that states that it works with virtualdubmod to decopmress the audio properly, so if i need it, hope it works for the future.