Can sobbody tell me what program programs do i need to burn avi to dvd can any body help also were can i get the instructions for these programs many thanks 2 all J.C
J.C. - Welcome to our forum. The program you want is called Nero 6 Ultra Edition. It can be purchased for about $49.00(USD). In that program there is a section called NeroVision, it will do what you want you wish to do in a very simple manner. There is also a guide for it, which you may not need, because NeroVision, as I mentioned, is so easy to use. cheers, Pete PS J.C., you really need to use spell check and you need to learn to make a sentence. Many here won't be bothered to answer you if you can't write your questions in proper English )
Put a search out on googles for all conversion software there is some really good one click software out there at the moment.Plus there is Nero 6 as pete mentioned.By the way i did not realise you were from the US Pete or am i presumeing wrong.One place i have always wanted to go but never not there yet.
You can use TMPGenc Xpress 3.0 and TMPGenc DVD Author 1.5 to do just that. Xpress 3.0 will convert the AVI to the dvd compatible mpeg-2 format while DVD Author 1.5 takes that mpeg-2 file and makes the audio and video_ts folders. Also note that DVD Author will burn the dvd for you as well. Both are great programs.
natwest- If you mean by [bold]"a bit pissed"[/bold] what I think you mean, then you better think again mister. If someone is too lazy to correctly state what kind of assistence they need and we can't understand them, why should we spend any time to help. We sure as hell ain't gettin' paid for it! How long does it take to edit a question? Not as long as it does to answer, which BTW I edit all my answers also. Not to mention if we misunderstand the question, we could easily give the wrong info. Pete was perfectly correct in asking you to spend a little time clarifying your statements and he did it in a nice way. If, by chance, I have misunderstood your statement, then that just proves my point and I apologize.