hi i have succesfully downloaded and burned a avi file to dvd with subtitles. but i am not quity happy with the video quality of the burned dvd, so i was wondering if there exist a tool or program i can use to get better video quality. i have used divxtodvd to convert the avi to dvd format thanks
The video qulity depends on your original one. If quality is poor to begin with, then not much can be done. Also I find that once you process a file 1 step, you get a slight degrading of quality. The more steps a video file goes thru the more the quality deteriorates. I am having similar issues right now. I am trying to maintain the quality of my home made movies, and I am wondering if the encoder makes a difference. Let me know if you better success.
Hi there, You cannot create quality, you get what you can from the original file. VSO DivxToDVD is no more. VSO Software just released VSO ConvertXtoDVD v2.00 Quality output was has been enhanced (Bitrate). Try your old movies in it (High Quality Setting) and see for yourself.