hi can anyone help,i have downloaded a file and it is showing as windows movie in my docs,how do i put this on to a dvd so i can watch in my player i have used avi2dvd but i dont know wot i am doing really can u help pls.
Read http://www.afterdawn.com/guides/ . The entire process is NOT easy: 1) encode AVI -> DVD MPEG-2 (choose an encoder. If you encode low-quality AVI movies, a VCD could be enough and TMPGenc is free, for making AVI -> VCD MPEG-1 files). Otherwise, stusy the availeble applications and buy them (or find a freeware which suits you. I don't know , because I use (and paid) the 2 most popular applications: TMPGenc and CCE) 2) author M2V+audio(+subs) ---> ISO/DVD files. There are good free applications , too: IFOEdit, ReJig. (VCDGEar to author (S)VCD movies). DVDLab allows to author (S)VCD movies on a DVD, too. 3) burn 4) view the movie
hi,, can somebody please help me, im a bit of of a new user, i downlaoded a few movies from the net and they are in AVI format, how can i convert the movies to one blank dvd disk and make it work on my home dvd player? and if possible i would like to convert the avi files to dvd format quickly. also i would like to add chapters and menu and titles screens and also subtitles to the movies, if anybody knows then please help me, i would be greatful. also please can you tell me he best program for downloadin music and videos. thank you very much, like i said im a new user and i would really like your help, thanks
that's a job you can do very easily with ConvertXtoDVD ( formerly DivxToDVD ) you can download a free trial from http://www.vso-software.fr/products/convert_x_to_dvd/