Hi, Can anybody tell me which is the best program to change and burn from avi to dvd. At the moment I am using ConvertXtoDVD. Is this the best or is their better. Thanks for your Help.
In my opinion, that is the best software for the job. However if you want to add fancy menus etc, then Nero Vision Express is the program for it
Yes, WINAvi is good, but I recently uninstalled. I encountered a few problem and feel that quality output is better with ConvertXtoDVD. It is also as quick as WINAvi. With ConvertXtoDVD, you can burn too. That is main difference.
As stated you can use NeroVision, heres a basic guide on how I burn my AVI files http://forums.afterdawn.com/thread_jump.cfm/356114/2104525 there is an EXCELLENT guide by alkohol in my sig.