I've got a divx-movie subtitled in VirtualDub. When I play in on my pc everthing works fine. When I decode it with TMPGEnc to mpeg2, I get audio/video out of sync. I alread tried to substract the audio from the divx to a wav-file with VirtualDub, and loaded them seperately into TMPGEnc, but the same problem. Who has an solution for this problem.
Probably no one! You are seeing the cumulative errors from much extracting, compressing, de-compressing and re-compressing audio in a lossy and notably 'lazy' MP3 format. If you had the original WAV file (used to make your divx-movie) you might be OK - or not, who knows? But TMPGenc doesn't like the WAV file from VDub you say, and to my knowledge there is no adjustment you can make. MICK69 knows TMPGenc - what about it Mick? Many people trying to convert AVI to MPEG! But, we specialize in rather the reverse... Regards
fortunately i never have this kind of problem, but that maybe cause i never encode any long movie and only 20 minutes of anime and make it into xsvcd. so you might wanna try encoding it short. another thing i do, is that i don't decompress it into wav, which is most propably why the synch error. i demux it using v-dubmod for those avi with mp3 audio and simply dvd2avi demux for dvds. the i used headac3he for the mp2 transcoding. lastly remux. works perfect. for me at least. good luck
this little marvel of a program has never failed me whereas vdub has sometimes in the past with sync issues and whatnot its called decompressor.exe and its bundled with a program called avi2vcd(dont use it to make vcds as it is balls for that) but the decompressor utility its bundled with is the simplest and most effective audio decompressor ive found around what it does is rather than create a separate wav file extracted from ur source, it creates a whole new file (video included) with the audio portion decompressed to wav format, this is so that there is no chance of error matching up video lengths and audio lengths. so download the avi2vcd package and you'll find decompressor.exe with it, thats ur bitch, just load ur file into it and press convert, its diffenatly a no brainer you cant go wrong, all you do then is load the newly create file into tmpge and hey presto there shouldnt be any sync problems, let us know though heres the link: http://home.cogeco.ca/~avi2vcd/ cheerz m8
yeah shitty encoder, great audio decompressor. i cant even remember how i stumbled across it, but im glad i did, its saved me alot of grief