avi to str - how to burn?

Discussion in 'All other topics' started by HoPi2k3, Feb 17, 2003.

  1. HoPi2k3

    HoPi2k3 Member

    Feb 17, 2003
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    Hi there,

    I'm relatively new to all this... but I think I can handle it somehow :)

    I downloaded a few tools for all this conversion stuff, read some docs, but I still haven't found the ultimate solution.

    First, I used Virtual Dub to convert a movie file to uncompressed avi (somebody should have told me that the file will be REALLY huge *sigh*). Then, I used movtoolsv3 to convert it to STR format. But what's next? I found this during browsing the forum:

    The standard steps to create videos is:
    a) Select a movie. It has to be converted in AVI format with specifications according to PSX standard (see above). The suggested application is VirtalDub.
    b) Convert AVI to STR using a converter like Sony Movie Converter.
    c) Build an ISO image cointaining the movies and the boot files needed to play them. On the net there are some procedures to do this, involving the program buildCD.
    d) burn the iso into a CD using, e.g. CDRWin.

    My problem is step c). I know I need a program (or something like that) that is started and can play the str file. But which one? Where do I get it (ok, the name should be enough - I'm old enough to handle a search engine)? What do I have to do?

    Would be nice if any of you guys could give me some tutorials on how to do... thanks in advance!
  2. HoPi2k3

    HoPi2k3 Member

    Feb 17, 2003
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    sorry for the double posting, my browser messed something up... :(

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