ok so i downloaded a avi film from kazaa. it plays perfect on my pc both sound and picture. i try use TMPGEnc to encode before burning it in nero. but when i encode it TMPGEnc dont put the sound on. im a complete newbie at this stuff so plz reply in understandable language! any replies will be much appcreciated! thx
i am too having the same problems except i am using a diferent a diferent program i am using mydvd by sonic and the problem i have is this..... i put the cd in it loads and gets to the menu and my background music plays but i cant select anything it just sits there n plays my background music.....
smiffy198: when useing Tmpgenc you pretty Much allways have to Decompress the audio in the AVI file before Encodeing with Tmpgenc because Tmpgenc doesn"t Like Compressed audio...You can use Virtual Dub to extract the audio to Wav format and then use the Wav file as the audio source in Tmpgenc..Or you can use a Simple tool Called "Decompress.exe" to Decompress the audiuo in the AVI file.....Cheers
Have used MainConcept encoder with great results and half the time of TMPG. No audio compression flaws at all, even without running audio to a seperate wave file. I had alot of probs using TMPG with bad frames causing a/v sync issues. Am not getting any of that with MainConcept.
You have to separate to a wav with Virtualdub because TMPGEnc can not handle all audio sources that well(causes sync problems).Here is the link http://www.dvdrhelp.com/divxtovcd.htm#audio
This is all bull shit. Iv tryed virtualdub 5 different locations from the net not one of them work. Main concept is crap doesnt work. How the crap do I put a divx,xvid on a cd to view it on a dvd/tv? It cant be done I say.
You can get Virtual-Dub here : Virtual-Dub-Mpeg2 http://fcchandler.home.comcast.net/stable/VirtualDub-MPEG2.zip
Thankyou! Istalled V Dub.......... I will take some time to learn of this program. Is there a pdf manual out there?
No there is No manual for Virtual Dub but if you tell me what you want to do with it then I can tell you how to do it.....Cheers
Thats good of you! What I'm trying to do with mainconcept is make a vcd from an avi. Mainconcept finds the motion pictures from the avi but no sound. So with vdub (I hope its the right thing to do)I want to decompress the sound then lead mainconcept to the decompressed(WAV) file and fingers crossed it will convert that file along with the motion(MPEG2)that its just converted from an AVI into something I can view on the tellivisionvia a standard DvD player.
Well if the Audio in the AVI file is Mp3 then you can use Virtual Dub to decompress the Audio but if the Audio in your AVI is AC3 then it would be better if you used a Little Tool called "Decompress.exe" after installing this : AC3ACM Decompressor http://fcchandler.home.comcast.net/AC3ACM/AC3ACM.zip If you want the "Decompress.exe" tool then PM Me with your E-mail address and I can e-mail it to you... To turn your AVI with Compressed audio into an AVI with Decompressed Audio useing Virtual-Dub what you do is First Load your AVI file into Virtual-Dub ,Then go to "Video" and set it to "Direct Stream Copy" and then go to "Audio" and set it to "Full Proscessing Mode" then under "Audio" go to "Compression" and set it to "NONE" ,Now go to "File" to "Save AVI" and give the File a Name and in a Few Minutes you will have a new AVI file with Uncompressed audio which you should be able to encode without a Problem...You should Install the AC3 Decompressor I Posted above because it will come in Handy if you ever get AVI files with AC3 audio....Cheers
Ahhh the dream seemed so close. I took your advice, all seemed to be working well. Vdub worked just as you said it would then I trasfered to mainconcept and bang it found the audio file and started converting it to mpeg..................... But the file is now twice the size and is unable to fit on one cd and I dont know how to cut it in half to put it on two cds, oh the horrer! Why has this happened?
Well If you are Makeing a VCD or SVCD then they will allmost allways have to go on 2 or more CD-R"s..To Cut it in half you can use the "Merge & Cut" in tmpgenc..To find it run Tmpgenc and go to "File" to "Mpeg Tools" to "Merge & Cut" and Load in your File and set the Drop down menu to either "Mpeg1 Video-CD" or to "Mpeg2 Super Video-CD" if you use Just Plain Mpeg1 or Mpeg2 settings you will not be able to burn the files to CD-R...Now just highlight your File and Click the "EDIT" button..Here you just set your Mark in and Mark Out points for the First Half of the File and click "OK" then "Run" and it will Make a File for the First Half, now Repeat the same stor but for the second half, then Burn the 2 Files to CD-R in VCD or SVCD Mode...Remember you can fit up to 800mb on a 700mb 80 minute CD-R when in VCD or SVCD Format...Well Good luck