This is really wierd but I lost a whole weekend almost at suicide level. Am trying to author a DVD of various avi clips to use as a showreel. But when I convert the Avis to Vobs using DVD Santa they freeze. Not all of them freeze but if I re-run the convert, the same clips freeze at the same point. I borrowed other Avi to DVD software and then I found different clips that were fine under DVD Santa were now freezing, and DVD Santa vobs that froze were working under the new program. I've tried several freeware packages now and not one of them will render all the vobs as error-free. After burning several DVDs and finding them freezing, I (finally) realised that the freeze was in the vobs prior to burning. That could have saved me several dvds. Am so desperate now. I have considered buying pro conversion authoring software but now am afraid to buy in case the problem still occurs. Any help would be appreciated. Apologies and thanks in advance.
Hi, Give VSO ConvertXtoDVD a try. You can run the demo for 21 days (I will add a watermark to your output) but will run 100% to see if it does what you want. v2.2.3 is the latest version, but v3.00 is due this fall with tons of new features (Join Videos, totaly new enhanced menus, HALF D1 output and more...)
DVD Flick is a good free alternative, with no watermark ~