I was wondering if it is possible to convert video files(.avi, .mpg,.etc) to an ISO image file. I've done the avi to dvd and it was quicker just to do a str8 burn of the .avi using nero. I am looking for a quick way to convert an .avi to .iso so I can then burn it with DVD Decrypter in mere minutes. I am looking to cut down on the amount of time it takes to burn a video file using nero. If there are any solutions I would appreciate the help. Thanx in advance.
Thanx djscoop. I have MagicISO so I'll give it a shot. If I run into any problemas I'll post em'. Thanx for your time and knowledge.
djscoop Yeah I tried converting with MagicISO but it didn't work. I wonder if it is even possible to convert an .avi to an .iso. Everytime I google it .avi to DVD always pops up but never to .iso. And converting to DVD takes longer than just doing a str8 burn with nero. Well thanx anyway and if you happen to know a little bit more info, please share. Thanx in advance.
well ISO is just an image format, so you essentially can create an ISO with any file(s) you want. But is your goal to put your AVI files to a video DVD? If so, try DVD Santa. It is a free, easy to use app that lets you burn multiple video files right to a DVD.