avi2dvd - error in extracting audio

Discussion in 'MPEG-1 and MPEG-2 encoding (AVI to DVD)' started by madalina, Mar 23, 2006.

  1. madalina

    madalina Member

    Mar 19, 2006
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    hi, there!!!

    I am having problems converting a movie that has the audio stream AC 3 6 CH. I use avi2dvdand it cannot extract the audio file. it says:
    [9:13:40 AM] Start demuxing the AudioStream No.1 ...
    [9:13:40 AM] Demuxing of the selected audio finished successfully ! [C:\sahara\Avi2dvd_temp\Extracted_Audio.ac3 0 Bytes]
    [9:14:14 AM] Starts Audio correction ...
    [9:14:15 AM] Audio Fixed successfully ! [C:\sahara\Avi2dvd_temp\Fixed_Audio01.ac3 0 Bytes]
    [9:14:15 AM] Starts Ac3->Ac3 convertion ...
    [9:14:17 AM] Audio converted in Ac3 successfully ! [C:\sahara\Avi2dvd_temp\AudioStream 1 AC3 6CH.ac3 -1 Bytes]
    [9:14:17 AM] Job NOT Done. There are warnings ... Find at the log file the 0 byte generated file to focus where exactly the problem appears
    [9:14:17 AM] All Jobs Done !!!

    Is there something i can use to make avi2dvd see the audio file or other converter?

    please help me!
  2. aldaco12

    aldaco12 Active member

    Nov 6, 2002
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    There are couple of ways you can try to extract the AC3 stream of that AVI.
    You should, at first, do this:
    - open that AVI with VirtualDub
    - do File___File Information
    Post here what it writes about audio.

    The easiest thing to do (but I don't expect it to work) is:
    - open tha AVI with VirtualDubMod
    - do stream__Stream list__Demux
    Alas, if the AC3 is not 384 kbps, the program blocks.

    Otherwise, if the AC3 isn't standard (as it,probably), is, you can do:
    - open that AVI with VirtualDub
    - do File___Save WAV, but call the file 'audio.AC3'.

    If you manage to extract an AC3 stream, you've done. If not, post here again...
    Last edited: Mar 24, 2006
  3. madalina

    madalina Member

    Mar 19, 2006
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    thank you!

    Imanaged to extract the audio file with VirtualDub, but avi2dvd still wants to do it itself, so it served for nothing. from virtual dub file___file info I learned that the audio stream is compressed with ac-3 acm codec
    I downloaded, installed it and still avi2dvd does nothing. any other solutions? please

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