Avi2DVD Green video help, codec problem?

Discussion in 'DVDR' started by trdgts, Oct 8, 2007.

  1. trdgts

    trdgts Member

    Oct 8, 2007
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    Hi all, I've had success using avi2dvd in the past (after first discovering this forum and reading the guide!). I found it easy to use and convert japanese films on avi onto dvd so that i can play them on my home dvd player.

    I hadnt converted any movies for a couple months, and well the other day I tried to port over another avi with subtitles and the final product had perfect audio, but the video was just a green screen. I've searched this forum and others, and found a few others who experienced this, but no real solution was offered.

    I did read about possible codec issues, how would i figure that out, and is there an easy update for newbies like myself?

    I tried HCEnc on avi2dvd first, and got the green screen. i then tried QuEnc and got the same results. The avi file plays fine.

    oh, also the green video is not from the disc, it's the output file after running avi2dvd. from past experiences i've learned to preview before burning.

    Any ideas? any help is greatly appreciated.
  2. Feenix888

    Feenix888 Regular member

    Oct 6, 2007
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    Whenever i have had green screens, no sound it has been a codec issue.

    I have either changed the codec pack (I use K-lite now) or used the g spot codec spotter which will show you if you have missing ones. I think it comes with K-lite codec pack and can be accessed through Start>programs>.....
  3. trdgts

    trdgts Member

    Oct 8, 2007
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    thanks feenix. gspot didnt really help me at all, as it said i had all codecs needed...my computer started getting more screwy after trying different things. long story short i cleaned out all the codecs and started from scratch and tried the k-lite pack like you mentioned. worked perfectly!

    wanted to reply to this thread in case someone down the line experiences a similar problem. at least a possible solution will be tied to the thread =)

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